The Mission of Roots Country School is:

To create a responsive environment that challenges all to embrace the joy of discovery, nurtures learners as they strive to fulfill their individual and collective vision and empowers students to pursue their roles and duties in the local and global communities.

RCS is rooted in the belief that every student should be challenged, engaged, and supported in a learning environment that places no limits on what they can achieve. We have created an educational space for profoundly gifted learners to flex their intellect, explore their passions, build their sense of self and community and learn alongside their intellectual peers.

We value ENGAGEMENT and believe...

Learners thrive most when they value and relish the learning of the moment, in and for itself, not simply as a means to a later goal. Every person is a learner and a teacher who constructs meaning and understanding reflection on both failure and success is necessary for growth.

We value ETHICS and believe...

Ethical behavior underlies each individual’s endeavors, and self-respect is built upon achievement and integrity. Individuals enriching the democratic values and practices of the society in which they live must accept the challenge to share their gifts with others for the betterment of the world in which they live.

We value CURIOSITY and believe...

Creative exploration and expression foster curiosity and a deeper understanding of student inquiry and interests and influence educational experiences in and out of the classroom it is important to recognize experiences beyond the school walls and celebrate them as powerful drivers of learning.

We value COLLABORATION and believe...

People grow and learn through challenging themselves and collaborating with others. People share credit and take responsibility for their work. Students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community leaders create and sustain a nurturing learning environment.

We value EMPATHY and believe...

A meaningful education balances academic, social, and emotional needs and experiences. We all must recognize, understand, and acknowledge different perspectives and experiences and value how they enrich our community in speech and action; we look beyond ourselves and consider our impact on others.