Fee Rules

- The above fee schedule is applicable for the session 2023-2024
- There will be a yearly increase in the fee structure which shall not be more than 8%.
- The transport charges will be applicable as per distance.
- Fee can be through Cheques, debit/credit cards, net banking NEFT/RTGS, or the SchoolPad app.
- A sibling concession of @10% will be given on the tuition fee for both children.
- The fee is non-refundable(Except for the security amount), fee once paid will not be refunded even if the child has not attended school for a single say
- Event Exclude Annual Function, Books & Uniform, Tour & Picnics, Transportation, Medical Emergency charges, Tuck Shop, and other charges by the Board of education.
- In case of genuine withdrawal of admission i.e., transfer of parent on unavoidable circumstances the school will charge till the ongoing month. Only caution/security money shall be refundable. Registration & admission fee amount shall be not refunded.